Waiting List

Clarendon Children’s Centre offers up to 40 places per day for the education and care of children aged 6 weeks – 5 years. The waiting list for childcare places is managed by the City of Port Phillip. Families can put their child’s name on the waiting list by visiting https://www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/council-services/family-youth-and-children/early-childhood-education-and-care/register-for-children-s-services-waiting-list-cswl or by calling 03 9209 6360. Whenever permanent places become available at the Centre, these are allocated firstly to children already attending (and continuing to do so), then to siblings of children currently attending and then allocated in accordance with the guidelines of the City of Port Phillip Children’s Services Waiting List.

The number of days offered will be determined by the expressed need for childcare, the reason childcare is required and the number of days available. Enrolment may be full-time (5 days per week) or part-time (less than 5 days per week). We strongly encourage families to consider 2 days per week as a minimum enrolment to ensure the child has the best opportunity to enjoy, and benefit from, the childcare experience. As much as possible, the maximum number of families should receive the care requested by them. Further information on the waiting list, including who gets priority and how to register can be found below.

Families are required to give at least 4 weeks written notice of their intention to end their child’s enrolment at the Centre, or to reduce their child’s days of attendance. A family no longer eligible for membership of the Co-operative is granted 12 months in which to find alternative care.

Occasional Care

Occasional childcare may also be available when a child (or children) with a permanent place is temporarily absent (due to illness, holidays, etc.). The Centre Co-ordinator keeps a record of requests for, and availability of, occasional care and offers places when this can be done without undue disruption to other children and/or the learning program. It should be noted that occasional childcare is, by its nature, irregular and unreliable in availability.


What is the Children’s Services Waiting List?

The Children’s Services Waiting List (waiting list) is a central point for families to register for the following services:

• Ada Mary A’Beckett Children Centre, Port Melbourne
• Bubup Nairm Children’s Centre, St Kilda
• Bubup Womindjeka Children’s Centre, Port Melbourne
• Clark Street Children’s Centre, Port Melbourne
• Clarendon Children’s Centre, South Melbourne
• Coventry Children’s Centre, South Melbourne
• Eildon Road Children’s Centre, St Kilda
• Elwood Children’s Centre, Elwood
• North St Kilda Children’s Centre, St Kilda
• Poets Grove Family and Children’s Centre, Elwood
• South Melbourne Child Care, Albert Park
• The Avenue Children’s Centre, Balaclava

When can I put my child’s name on the waiting list?

The earliest date that a child can be registered on the waiting list is when you are 12 weeks pregnant. Once the child is born you will need to contact Council to complete the newborn child’s details (i.e. date of birth and name).

Are there any other waiting lists I should be on?

You will need to register directly with:

Privately Managed Child Care Services
Sessional Kindergartens (Kindergarten programs that are not part of long day care services)

Should I visit the services I register for?

You may wish to, but it is not essential at the time of registration. It can be more beneficial to visit the service closer to the date you are willing to accept care from. This will allow you to meet staff, get a feel for the service, see how it operates and ask any questions that are specific to the individual service and your family’s needs. For service details click here.

Who gets priority on the wait list?

All priorities are allocated in line with the Australian Government Priority of Access Guidelines. http://education.gov.au/priority-allocating-places City of Port Phillip also gives additional priority to families who live, work or study within City of Port Phillip and families currently enrolled at a service.

Where am I on the waiting list?

It is difficult to indicate where you are at on the waiting list as it is influenced by your priority eligibility and additional factors listed below:

• Your application date
• The age of the child
• The days required
• Your preferred service

When will I get offered a place?

We are unable to predict the length of time that children will be on the waiting list before you are offered a place. All of these factors (listed above) are taken into account when allocating places. Please be mindful that your position on the waiting list may change due to the Australian Government Priority of Access Guidelines. Offers occur as vacancies become available within a service; this happens intermittently throughout the year. Towards the end of each calendar year, services start making offers for the following year. At the beginning of each year there is an intake of young children as the older children leave to commence primary school.

Who and how will I be contacted for an offer?

You will be contacted by phone or by email by the service where the vacancy has become available. The service is responsible for the enrolment process and will discuss your options in regards to accepting the place, orientation and start date. This offer occurs close to the date you have chosen to accept care from. It is important that you update us with any new contact numbers by contacting a Children’s Services Waiting List officer on 03 9209 6360.

If I accept a place but it’s not my first preference can I stay on the waiting list for the chance to get my first preference?

Yes. When offered a place you will be given the option to remain on the waiting list until a better suited position becomes available.

What should I do if I don’t get offered some of the days I required?

We encourage families to stay on the waiting list, as all additional days will also be offered via the waiting list.

What should I do if I don’t get offered some of the days I required?

No. If you choose not to accept an offer but still want to remain on the waiting list, you will be asked to update your activation date (the date you have said you will accept a position from) and your services preferences. Please be mindful that your position on the waiting list may change due to other families registering with a higher Priority of Access requirement.

What happens if I’m not offered a place by the date I’ve requested?

You will remain on the waiting list until a place becomes available. Annually, you will receive correspondence either via email/post to confirm that your information is current. However please feel free to contact Council at any time on 03 9209 6360 if you wish to update your details, including the date you’re willing to accept care from.